Thursday, March 01, 2007

Phrases I hate

Over the last few days in the Telegraph there has been a list of words and phrases that readers really hate. This has inspired me to make my own list of some words and phrases that I hate.

Positive discrimination - surely discrimination, by definition, is negative.
Liberal Conservative - I may be one of these but surely you can be either Liberal or Conservative and not both.
The government will pay X amount of money for X - errm, no, we will.
Democratically elected - surely the word "democratically" is superfluous to requirement.
Actually - I use it all the time but I find it so annoying.
Oh my God - sorry, I had to put that one in but as a Christian I hate when people use the Lord's name in vain.
Prospective Parliamentary candidate - considering you only become a PPC when you are actually standing, what on earth is the point of adding "prospective" here?
You're entitled to your opinion but... - roughly translates as "you're wrong and I know better than you".
Thinking outside the box - what on earth is that supposed to mean?
Blue sky thinking - I'd rather think with my brain than the sky.

I actually hate 99.99...% of corporate jargon. Please, please, please speak in plain English.


At 27/6/07 08:14, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I think some of these phrases make more sense than you think they do. A liberal conservative is someone who's liberal /for/ a conservative, but not liberal enough to be a just-plain-liberal. Arlen Specter, for example. And "democratically elected" is opposed to "elected, but the voting machines were rigged and there were military police standing there intimidating the voters."

At 11/11/07 22:15, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Discrimination can be positive, e.g. picking an able and talented rugby player for a rugby team. You are picking him out from the rest, and therefore discriminating.
As soon as discrimination gets negative, it becomes prejudice.


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