Saturday, February 10, 2007

Can I really cope with tonight?

I'm procrastinating right now because I can't be bothered to do an integration worksheet. I'm still recovering from last week and would quite honestly rather be in bed. However, I plan to go out tonight. There's a free party in the Union and the results of the officer elections will be announced (or they will be if enough people voted!). If I am to find out the results at the same time everyone else does, then I really should go. I can just see myself not wanting to socialise and not actually caring about the results (other than Democracy Committee Chair) so maybe I should just pop in at 11:30 and then leave again as soon as I find out which one of my opponents was elected. I guess I should go now and have lunch as that should hopefully give me the energy that I need to do the worksheet and actually be awake at 11:30 tonight.


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