2006 for me
It was October that I will remember the most out of 2006. It was mostly an uneventful year but October was when I went to uni. This was one of the most important events in 2006 - the other happened in November but more information on that will follow later.January saw my baptism and confirmation. After 3 years as a Christian, I was now ready to make a lifelong commitment. The service was really good and I will hopefully never forget the day.
As happens pretty much every year, February was a bit of a non-event. However, I already have plans for February 2007 that will follow later in the week.
March was also a non-event (apart from my birthday) so nothing to report here.
I guess April was when I started the countdown to when I went to uni. I remember being so bogged down with paperwork. I hope never to see another student finance form ever again - though it would be advisable for me to avoid applying online after the issues I had in October with online voting!
May was another non-event. It was, however, when I really started to think about spiritual stuff (which actually became the theme for my gap year).
June was the end of the paperwork madness - thankfully. Seriously, I hate filling in forms so much!
July was really when I started to come to an end with all the spiritual stuff. It is still going on, even now, but has been winding down since summer.
I think that August was the most random month of 2006. I attempted to start writing a book but didn't really get anywhere. All I have now regarding the plot is there is a twenty-something dropout who was in debt.
September was my last month at home before going to uni. I discovered that the ultimate cure for insomnia is the data protection act - I think next year I am not going to read all the small print as I am sure it will all be the same. I also discovered that students living away from home do have the right to vote (having believed the opposite during most of my gap year). This was also when I became a Cameronite and when I started blogging.
This leads us into October, the month I had been looking forward to for so long. It was the month I went to uni. In addition to this, I turned up at a non-existent lecture on my first day, went mad at the freshers' fair, spread my diseases to everyone one weekend, stood for the student council and got elected, and double booked myself whilst leaving the decision out of my hands. This was also when I discovered I had a passion for politics. If that wasn't enough, I managed to fulfil 2 of my lifelong ambitions in the same day. They were going on a protest and appearing on TV.
The biggest and most important event of November will be covered in more detail later but I will say for now that irony is definitely not dead. It may have been 3 months early but I started thinking about whether or not to increase my involvement in student politics by standing to be a Union officer for 2007-2008. I also lost the right to vote in the Union referenda because of rather dodgy circumstances.
In December I managed to get my vote back for the referendum motions - I never thought I would say this but thank goodness for student apathy (though I do not actually mean that). I also came up with a rather unusual list of things to do before I'm 30 that I will go into more detail about soon and I came home for Christmas. I'm now desperate to go back to uni, even if I do have an analysis exam on the first day.
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