Thursday, February 01, 2007

General rants

Well, firstly I would like to apologise for not having blogged in ages. I had the flu and have only just recovered this week, a week that has been rather busy for me.

As I sit here blogging, I should really be sorting out some very important publicity that I need tomorrow and really can't be bothered to do anything with. Why oh why did I decide that I needed 100 sheets worth of flyers with 6 flyers on each sheet? And why oh why did I decide that I should cut out these 600 flyers at 11 o'clock on a Thursday night when I'm supposed to start giving them out at 9am tomorrow morning and would really like some sleep tonight? In fact, I think that the Students' Union should realise that the only reason anyone would be up at 9am on a Friday morning is that they are still awake from the night before (unless, of course, they have a really important lecture at that time). It is a time that doesn't even exist as far as I am concerned!

In fact, I have had some sleep already this evening. I had to go to the AGM and got so bored that I fell asleep during most of the speeches. I really don't want to go next year but it is more than likely that I will get roped into it somehow.

There is actually one more thing that I should be doing now. I am one of the most computer illiterate people around and this has been causing me all sorts of issues this last week. I only have until tomorrow to sort out these issues otherwise I will end up looking such a fool as I will be advertising myself as somewhere between a complete technophobe and someone who simply cannot be bothered with sorting out font styles etc.

I really do not know what is more frustrating out of cutting out flyers and trying to at least appear computer literate when I'm blatantly not but, either way, I'm in for a long night. I hate publicity. It would be so much easier if these kind of things could be done telepathically.


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