Monday, April 16, 2007

The resurrection of the blog

Yeah, my blog has been a bit dead recently. I've been dealing with a few personal issues so haven't really had the time (or the motivation) to post on my blog.

The Easter hols have been a bit mixed but my trip to Iona was great. If anyone is in need of spiritual renewal (which I definitely was before I went), then I would definitely recommend going. When I was there, I wrote a couple of poems. I've decided that poetry is my new thing and my current ambition is to put together probably 50 poems to inspire others who are going through what I've had to deal with during the holidays. I've only written 6 so far (but I have been offered some by someone else) so I have quite a long way to go but I will rise to the challenge as I find writing poetry really helpful and I believe that what I am doing is for the greater good.

As for the whole uni situation, I will be going somewhere else in October. It's a toss up between Birmingham and Keele at the moment. I'm both excited and nervous about this. I really can't wait to study politics but the thought of being in an environment where nobody knows me and I won't know where to go if I have any problems like I had in the last week of last term just before I dropped out really scares me right now.

Hopefully I won't wait quite as long before I make another post.


At 21/4/07 23:23, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Will you be putting any of these poems on your blog? It would be an interesting read! Are they about dropping out of uni or spirituality?

At 22/4/07 13:23, Blogger Average guy on the street said...

I could. There's one about dropping out of uni, a few about spirituality, but all of them are about depression.


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