Saturday, October 07, 2006

Competition time for the masses

I've decided to run a competiton on this blog.

What I need is a good election slogan according to the following rules:
  1. I need it to be snazzy.
  2. It must not be rude or defamatory.
  3. It must be eye catching.
  4. It must be relevant to the election in which I am standing. If you do not know, then read here (or here to find out more).
  5. And, last but definitely not least, it must get people to vote for me.
The competiton is open for the rest of the weekend, closing on Monday morning when I get up (therefore giving me enough time to put together my campaign literature by Friday).

I will go through anything that has been posted - please use the comments section - when I have some free time on Monday and will then post another entry once I have decided if I want to use any of the suggested slogans or come up with one myself. Have fun coming up with suggestions. I would really appreciate your help.

PS: If nobody comments on this post or if I get only comments that blatantly break the rules I have set then I will still add a further post on Monday saying what losers everyone is. I do not want to do this so get commenting!


At 7/10/06 09:37, Blogger Praguetory said...

An effective campaign should be ultra-local. You should be able to benefit from being involved in so many clubs and I am sure the top guys in these clubs will back you if only for selfish reasons.

How about the following pun?

Local Parish 4 Council with your picture underneath

Tag line

- Kerri will put your concerns first. Also, maybe try to get a few endorsements from well known people around the uni. X wants Parish 4 Council etc.

At 9/10/06 15:01, Blogger Praguetory said...

So am I a loser, a winner or something in between?

At 9/10/06 18:54, Blogger Average guy on the street said...

Sorry, I've had a really busy day and haven't had a chance to write a further entry - I'm just about to do that.


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