Monday, October 09, 2006

Competition results

Well, I had only one entry in my competition. Thank you to PragueTory for that. I am currently in the process of writing my manifesto. As I am not entirely sure of whether or not outsiders are entitled to read the manifestos (I know only students are allowed to vote and that the manifestos are available to read when we vote but do not know if the manifestos are available if we are not logged in), I will be posting a copy of my manifesto on my other blog as I hope loads of students will read it there and think "oh, she looks really cool, I'm so gonna vote for her!".

I have been thinking myself over the weekend of possible slogans I can use. I will probably use at least part of the one that was suggested so I guess first (and only) prize does go to Mr PragueTory.


At 9/10/06 19:12, Blogger Praguetory said...

Best of luck with the campaign. I hope you don't mind if I take the tiniest bits of reflected glory when you win your seat. ;-).

At 9/10/06 21:02, Blogger Average guy on the street said...

No that's cool :)


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